Welcome to Rockin I Longhorns

Nancy Ince formed Rockin I Longhorns when she purchased her first 2 Longhorns in January 2010 for “Yard Art”. Nancy fell in love with their beauty, demeanor, the way they are socially amongst themselves, and of course the babies. She felt that if she was going to raise Longhorns she wanted good bodies, good bloodlines, and well disposition animals.This is where Tony Mangold came in. Nancy and Tony together have purchased and bred these wonderful animals. He has been a tremendous help in buying, breeding, marketing, and direction of our program. We have several predominant lines we have been building off of Eternal Tari, Lassie and Doherty female lines. We have brought Tejas Star, Bomber Chex and Tuff Chex sires in to bred to our female lines. By doing this, we are working on twist and stacking the best genetics possible. Besides natural breeding we also AI and embryo work. My daughter, Nichole Keith manages our operations. Our primary ranch is located in Charlotte Texas where we have a hay operation that enables our herd to have plenty of food year round. My other daughter Samantha along with her husband Brandon, head up our Lean Beef operation. They are selling the beef to restaurants, farmers markets and online. They also sell the heads and capes, through Samantha’s Boutique (Sam I Am) We thank you for visiting our website and ask that you come back as we are always updating our herd. Please feel free to give us a call for purchases, questions or just to talk. We love our Longhorns and know you will too.